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Volta Trucks starts series production

18. April 2023

Today, our customer Volta Trucks communicated the start of series production of the all-electric Volta Zero at Steyr Automotive to the public.


We are very proud that Volta Trucks has chosen us as a manufacturing partner to join them on the road to series production.


The first full production Volta Zero going into the production line here at Steyr is the most substantial milestone the company has achieved to date. In just 2.5 years, less than half the time existing truck manufacturers take, we have moved from launching a concept, through the engineering, development and quality phases and now the start of production of the final specification models that will be driven by customers, making our urban environments safer and more sustainable,” says Kjell Walöen, Co-founder and Chief Manufacturing and Logistics Officer of Volta Trucks.


Our experience and 100 years of expertise in building trucks at our site, is a key success factor for this pace, which now makes it possible to make the world’s cities more climate-friendly and safer.


Austrian Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler was also very impressed during her visit of the plant last week and proud that the production of these particularly innovative e-trucks is taking place in Austria.


To the official press release of Volta Trucks

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