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Vote for our StART app!

12. Januar 2023

Put an end to range anxiety – Steyr Automotive presents a solution for a safe transition to e-mobility – Support this concept with your Like!


Market analyses show that the range of electrically powered light commercial vehicles (LCVs), as well as the time required for charging, are perceived as major obstacles to the switch to electromobility. The aim of the “StART” app (Steyr Automotive Range Tool), which is available free of charge, is to relieve users of this range anxiety on the basis of their existing, driven routes. The app allows existing routes to be simulated in advance via tracking, creating a forecast of what configuration is required for an e-vehicle to complete that route.


The StART app, which was first presented at the IAA, has now also been submitted to the IÖB Challenge (Innovation Promoting Public Procurement), an initiative by the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Economics and the German Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, in the category “Software Solution for CO2 Reduction Planning and Visualization of Climate Protection Scenarios.”


The goal of the Challenge is to find a digital solution that cities can use to document, monitor and plan climate protection measures and CO2 reductions, and also to involve their citizens in a low-threshold way via visualizations. The current version of the StART app focuses on light commercial vehicles, an area with great potential for reducing CO2 emissions in cities. Steyr Automotive could and would like to make a significant contribution to CO2 reduction in urban areas where e-vehicles are used.


The winners of the Challenge will be invited by the sponsors (City of Vienna, City of Linz, City of Graz) to the final Innovation Dialogue, where they can present their solution directly and exchange ideas with project managers.


With your “Like” under the following link you can support the submission of Steyr Automotive:


Put an end to range anxiety! Your tool for switching to e-mobility – IÖB Innovation Platform (


The StART app works on all major iOS and Android devices, requires no registration and can be downloaded for free from the following app stores:


Google Playstore:



Apple App Store:


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