A big step towards the GreenTech plant

90% of the energy generated is used directly in the plant.

Steyr Automotive and Burgenland Energie present joint cooperation: Commissioning of Austria's largest roof-mounted photovoltaic system.

Working closely with our cooperation partner Burgenland Energie, the largest provider of wind and photovoltaics in Austria, we are pleased to announce the successful commissioning of Austria's largest roof-mounted photovoltaic plant on a roof area of 85,000m2.

After only nine months of construction, the plant has been in full operation since 05.09.2023. With about 17,000 panels installed on the factory roofs of Steyr Automotive, a maximum output of about 7,500 kWp is achieved. This means that around ¼ of the plant's electricity consumption will be covered. By way of comparison, this corresponds to the consumption of 2,200 households and a saving of around 2,500 tons of CO2 each year.


For inquiries, please contact:
Mail:  info@steyr-automotive.com
Phone: +43 7252 585-0